Q: I’d like to read the old stories you originally published online, but I can’t find them anywhere. What happened to them?
A: When I transitioned into professional publishing, all of those early novels - and their associated short stories - were permanently removed from the internet. I’m sorry to say that they’re no longer available to read.
Q: Why did you decide to take those stories down?
A: Those early novels were posted chapter-by-chapter as I wrote them, with minimal editing, and received no revision after they were completed. In other words, they were early-stage first drafts, and therefore riddled with the issues common to all such drafts - plot holes, continuity errors, characterization inconsistencies, and so on.
At this stage in my career, I’m no longer comfortable with people reading early drafts of my work. The idea of those first drafts being held up to and judged against my professionally published books as if they’re comparable is something I find particularly unsettling. Those were the major motivators behind my decision to remove my work from the internet.
Q: Will you share copies with me if I’m willing to pay for them?
A: No, I’m sorry. While I’m flattered that people have expressed a willingness to purchase copies of my early novels, the fact remains that I’m uncomfortable sharing them in their current state of incompletion. In fact, I’m even less willing to sell them than to share them for free, because it would be a breach of professional ethics to charge money for unedited, unrevised work.
Q: Will you ever revise and re-publish your early novels?
A: I try to avoid saying never, as I’ve been wrong before, but I will say that this is very unlikely. I’d prefer to invest my time and effort into creating new material.
Q: Will the rest of the Seven of Spades series be released in audiobook format?
A: At the time of this writing, the first two books in the Seven of Spades series have been recorded in audiobook format, and the third is in progress. I’m not directly involved in the audiobook production process, so readers with questions of this kind should direct their inquiries to Riptide.
Q: If I join your Patreon community, will I only receive access to future posts at my tier level, or will I be able to access previous posts as well?
A: No matter when you become a patron, you’ll have access to every post ever made for members of your tier. The same holds true for patrons who upgrade their tier membership. In the community’s header, there are several links to masterlists that allow easy access to all of the stories, bonus content, and writing workshops without the need to scroll through dozens of old posts. Patreon membership increases in value every month without ever increasing in price!
Q: When will the Boston ‘Verse be updated?
A: While I have every intention of adding future installments to the Boston ‘Verse, my number of professional commitments makes it impossible to provide a timeline. To be clear, though, the BV is not a series or a work-in-progress - it’s a collection of short stories, and is therefore always complete.
Q: What other books/authors do you recommend?
A: I’m not great at making recommendations, but I do have a dedicated tag on my Tumblr for that purpose. Please note that the tag is titled “Cordelia fails at reccing” for good reason!
Q: Do you attend any conventions or book events?
A: Not to date, but I’m open to doing so in the future, especially if any make their way down to Florida or Atlanta. My attendance at any event will be publicized well in advance for those who are interested.
Q: Do you have any writing advice?
A: Absolutely! There are years’ worth of posts in my “writing advice” tag on Tumblr. For more in-depth explorations, Patreon members of “Rebel” tier and higher have access to monthly writing workshops as well.
Have a question for Cordelia Kingsbridge? You can contact her on social media or via the contact form on the homepage.